6 Ways Our Triple-Pane Windows
Beat Double-Pane Windows

A By-The-Numbers Breakdown Of What You Get
With Rescom Replacement Windows

If you need new windows in New England, you’re probably asking yourself the same question many homeowners do…

“Should I choose double pane or triple pane?”

It can be a tough question because a lot of confusing and contradictory information is out there. It’s hard to know what’s true… and what’s a steaming pile of fake news.

We can’t speak for other companies’ triple-pane windows. But we can tell you, without a shadow of a doubt, that Rescom triple-pane windows beat the pants off double-pane windows. In fact, we have verifiable PROOF.

We pitted our triple-pane windows against the average double-pane windows in a series of tests. We measured different aspects of the windows in six categories most important to homeowners.

Here are the results…

Rescom Triple Pane Has 60% Thicker Glass

What It Means

The average double-pane window glass is 5/8th of an inch thick from the exterior of the outer pane to the interior of the inner pane.
Rescom triple-pane windows are one-inch thick from exterior to interior glass. That’s a 60% thicker glass package overall.

How This Benefits You

Thicker glass provides several benefits. It enhances security. It creates more efficiency. And it reduces outdoor noise pollution. You experience a quiet, safe, and comfortable home.

Rescom Triple Pane Is 195% More Energy Efficient

What It Means

Clear double-pane windows, which are what’s on many New England homes, have a U-Factor of 0.62. Our triple-pane windows are 195% more efficient with an ENERGY STAR-rated U-Factor of 0.21. (With U-Factor, lower numbers are better. Find out more on our Window Energy Efficiency page.)

How do our windows stack up against higher quality double-pane windows? Rescom windows are 152% more efficient than ENERGY STAR standards and over 100% more

How This Benefits You

The benefits of energy-efficient home windows are well established. You’ll experience a more comfortable home year-round. Your heating and cooling bills will be lower. And you’ll help the environment. Win-win-win.

Link for more info: Triple-Pane Comfort

Rescom Triple Pane Is 66% More Soundproof

What It Means

Because of the extra glass, our triple-pane windows reduce outdoor noise pollution up to 66% better than double-pane windows.

How This Benefits You

Listening to street traffic, a noisy neighbor, and barking dogs can be stressful. Our windows provide you with a more peaceful—and, therefore, HAPPIER—home.

Link for more info: Whisper Quiet

Rescom Triple Pane Is 300% More Secure

What It Means

The average window contains one exposed latch lock that’s VERY easy to pick. Even an amateur burglar can break into a regular window within seconds.

Our windows come with four hidden steel deadbolts that are a would-be burglar’s worst nightmare. Four times as many locking mechanisms equals 300% more security.

How This Benefits You

There’s nothing like quality home security to boost peace of mind. Our windows are your home’s “silent security system” and come with a special 50-Year Home Security Guarantee.

Link for more info: Bank-Vault Secure

Rescom Triple Pane Has A 233% Longer Lifespan

What It Means

The average vinyl window lasts just 15 years. This is due to cheap materials and the average vinyl frame being hollow.

Our triple-pane windows last 50 years—a 233% longer lifespan. They’re titanium-reinforced (see below) and made with the most premium materials on the market. Zero exceptions.

How This Benefits You

Simply put, our windows are the last you’ll ever need. What’s more, they dramatically increase the value of your home should you ever sell.

Link for more info: 50-Year Guarantees

Rescom Triple Pane Has A 100% Solid Core

What It Means

Other vinyl window frames—not just double pane—are hollow. As a result, they expand and contract at a high rate, which leads to problems like warping, sagging, and bowing.

Our window frames contain a full, titanium-composite substructure for premium structural integrity.

How This Benefits You

You get the strongest windows your dollars can buy. Our substructure acts as a “skeleton,” keeping your windows rigid and impervious to warping, sagging, and bowing. Plus, the added structural support is superior for handling three panes of glass.

Link for more info: Titanium Tough

Get A 100% Free Window Quote

If you’re interested in finding out more about what our triple-pane windows can do for you, reach out today. We would be honored to discuss your project and provide you with a no-cost, no-obligation consultation and quote.

That’s our 100% ironclad guarantee to you.

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